I am a Systems Safety Assurance Engineer with more than 6 years of experience in the regulated railway sector. I previously worked on the Melbourne Metro Project, Australia and in Challenger, France before flying to London. My tennis racket follows me wherever I go!
I had the opportunity to work at Challenger, Bouygues Construction France headquarters located not far from Paris. On my first mission, I worked in the international proposal team where I led my first international tender. I managed multiple teams from different companies and countries worldwide solving complex problems. I led tenders in the UK and North America with a total value of over a billion Euros.
During my mission, I rotated into the Technical Department where I worked on developing the construction methodology for a floating wind farm. Working with the top subject matter experts with extensive experience I learnt a multitude of construction techniques such as slipforming, offshore construction and prestressing.
It has been a challenging and enriching year where I have had a broad range of projects, tasks and ways of working. I have learnt to become more versatile, adaptive and I have also been able to apply my system engineering experience and knowledge. I have created a network at headquarters that I can tap into and harness.
I have been able to tick off a life bucket list item. I love playing tennis and I was able to attend the Men’s Rolland Garros final where Novak Djokovic won his 23rd grand slam. It was incredible! Also as a food connoisseur I have been able to have the best bread and butter everyday.
I am a Systems Safety Assurance Engineer with over 6 years of experience in the regulated railway sector. I previously worked on the Melbourne Metro Project, Australia and now I am in Challenger, France. My tennis racket follows me wherever I go!
One step • Brandon Nguyen
I had the opportunity to work at Challenger, Bouygues Construction France headquarters located not far from Paris. On my first mission, I worked in the international proposal team where I led my first international tender. I managed multiple teams from different companies and countries worldwide solving complex problems. I led tenders in the UK and North America with a total value of over a billion Euros.
During my mission, I rotated into the Technical Department where I worked on developing the construction methodology for a floating wind farm. Working with the top subject matter experts with extensive experience I learnt a multitude of construction techniques such as slipforming, offshore construction and prestressing.
It has been a challenging and enriching year where I have had a broad range of projects, tasks and ways of working. I have learnt to become more versatile, adaptive and I have also been able to apply my system engineering experience and knowledge. I have created a network at headquarters that I can tap into and harness.
I have been able to tick off a life bucket list item. I love playing tennis and I was able to attend the Men’s Rolland Garros final where Novak Djokovic won his 23rd grand slam. It was incredible! Also as a food connoisseur I have been able to have the best bread and butter everyday.